
Starts a database on the specified database server


START DATABASE database-file
... [ AS database-name ]
... [ ON engine-name ]
... [ AUTOSTOP { YES | NO } ]
... [ KEY key ]


Example 1

START DATABASE '/s1/sybase/sample_2.db'

Example 2

START DATABASE 'c:\sybase\sample_2.db'
AS sam2
ON eng1


The database server must be running. The full path must be specified for the database file unless the file is located in the current directory.

The START DATABASE statement does not connect DBISQL to the specified database: a CONNECT statement must be issued to make a connection.

If database-name is not specified, a default name is assigned to the database. This default name is the root of the database file. For example, a database in file c:\sybase\ASIQ-12_5\demo\asiqdemo.db is given the default name asiqdemo.

If engine-name is not specified, the default database server is assumed. The default database server is the first started server among those currently running.

The default setting for the AUTOSTOP clause is YES. With AUTOSTOP set to YES, the database is unloaded when the last connection to it is dropped. If AUTOSTOP is set to NO, the database is not unloaded.

If the database is strongly encrypted, enter the KEY value (password) using the KEY clause.

Sybase recommends that you start only one database on a given Sybase IQ database server.

Side effects




Must have DBA authority.