VerifyServerName parameter [Verify]


TCP/IP (Client side only)






Specifies whether the server name is verified when connecting to this host. Normally you should not set this option. It is used only for connecting to multiplex query servers when you need to balance query loads among these servers.

When connecting over TCP using the DoBroadcast=NONE parameter, the client makes a TCP connection, then verifies that the name of the server found is the same as the one it is looking for. Specifying VerifyServerName=NO skips the verification of the server name. This allows IQ clients to connect to an IQ server if they know only an IP address/port.

The server name must still be specified in the connection string, but it is ignored. The VerifyServerName (VERIFY) communication parameter is used only if DoBroadcast=NONE is specified.

When used as shown in the example, setting this option to NO lets you specify a connection to a particular IP address and port number. The IP address and port number are for a load balancing machine that acts as a gateway between the IQ client and the IQ server.


To use this option, on the client machine, you create a new ODBC DSN in the ODBC Administrator, and specify parameters as follows:

When an IQ client connects to this DSN, the load balancer dispatches the connection to a particular query server based on the workload of the machine.