Explicit and in-line window clauses

SQL OLAP provides two ways of specifying a window in a query:

Window function example The following example shows a window function. The query returns a result set that partitions the data by department and then provides a cumulative summary of employees’ salaries starting with the employee who has been at the company the longest. The result set includes only those employees who reside in Massachusetts. The column Sum_Salary provides the cumulative total of employees’ salaries.

SELECT dept_id, emp_lname, start_date, salary,
  start_date rows between unbounded preceding and
  current row) AS sum_salary
FROM employee 
WHERE state IN ('MA') AND dept_id IN (100, 200)
ORDER BY dept_id;

The following result set is partitioned by department.

dept_id  emp_lname   start_date      salary    sum_salary
--------  -----------  -------------   ----------     -----------
100      Whitney     1984-08-28   45700.000     45700.000
100      Cobb        1985-01-01   62000.000    107700.000
100      Breault     1985-06-17   57490.000    165190.000
100      Shishov     1986-06-07   72995.000    238185.000
100      Driscoll    1986-07-01   48023.690    286208.690
100      Guevara     1986-10-14   42998.000    329206.690
100      Gowda       1986-11-30   59840.000    389046.690
100      Melkisetian 1986-12-06   48500.000    437546.690
100      Pastor      1987-04-26   74500.000    512046.690
100      Lull        1987-06-15   87900.000    599946.690
100      Rabkin      1987-06-15   64500.000    664446.690
100      Siperstein  1987-07-23   39875.500    704322.190
100      Scott       1987-08-04   96300.000    800622.190
100      Sullivan    1988-02-03   67890.000    868512.190
100      Samuels     1988-03-23   37400.000    905912.190
100      Wang        1988-09-29   68400.000    974312.190
100      Marshall    1989-04-20   42500.000   1016812.190
100      Soo         1990-07-31   39075.000   1055887.190
100      Diaz        1990-08-19   54900.000   1110787.190
200      Dill        1985-12-06   54800.000     54800.000
200      Powell      1988-10-14   54600.000    109400.000
200      Poitras     1988-11-28   46200.000    155600.000
200      Singer      1989-06-01   34892.000    190492.000
200      Kelly       1989-10-01   87500.000    277992.000
200      Martel      1989-10-16   55700.000    333692.000
200      Sterling    1990-04-29   64900.000    398592.000
200      Chao        1990-05-13   33890.000    432482.000
200      Preston     1990-07-11   37803.000    470285.000
200      Goggin      1990-08-05   37900.000    508185.000
200      Pickett     1993-08-12   47653.000    555838.000