Characteristics of well-tuned insert operations

A well-tuned Sybase IQ insert operation exhibits certain characteristics. You can observe these characteristics from the Windows Task Manager and Windows Performance Monitor.

Sybase IQ uses the Windows CreateFile option (for both creating and opening a file) that specifies a file is to be read for sequential access. This option is used on the files specified in the LOAD TABLE command. As a result, load performance is improved through read ahead and reduced NTFS Cache memory utilization.

Load performance can be further improved, sometimes significantly, by setting the size of the main and temporary Sybase IQ buffer caches considerably smaller than the calculated recommended values in “Sybase IQ main and temp buffer caches”. The reasons for this performance improvement are described in “Using the NTFS cache”. You can set the main and temporary Sybase IQ buffer caches as much as 50% smaller than the calculated recommended values.