Shortcuts for typing search conditions

Using the short form BETWEEN

SQL has two short forms for typing in search conditions. The first, BETWEEN, is used when you are looking for a range of values. For example,

SELECT emp_lname, birth_date
FROM employee
WHERE birth_date BETWEEN '1964-1-1'
AND '1965-3-31'

is equivalent to:

SELECT emp_lname, birth_date
FROM employee
WHERE birth_date >= '1964-1-1'
AND birth_date <= '1965-3-31'

Using the short form IN

The second short form, IN, may be used when looking for one of a number of values. The command

SELECT emp_lname, emp_id
FROM employee
WHERE emp_lname IN ('Yeung','Bucceri','Charlton')

means the same as:

SELECT emp_lname, emp_id
FROM employee
WHERE emp_lname = 'Yeung'
OR emp_lname = 'Bucceri'
OR emp_lname = 'Charlton'