Looking up tables, columns, and procedures

While you are entering commands in Interactive SQL, you can look up the names of tables, columns, or procedures stored in the current database and insert them at your cursor position.

StepsTo look up the names of tables in the database:

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Table Name.

  2. Find and select the table.

  3. Click OK to insert the table name into the SQL Statements pane.

StepsTo look up column names in the database:

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Table Name.

  2. Find and select the table containing the column.

  3. Click Show Columns.

  4. Select the column and click OK to insert the column name into the SQL Statements pane.

StepsTo look up the names of procedures in the database:

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Procedure Name.

  2. Find and select the procedure.

  3. Click OK to insert the procedure name into the SQL Statements pane.

In the tables and procedures lookup dialogs, you can enter the first few characters of the table or procedure you are looking for. After you type something in the field, the dialog waits a short time, then narrows the list to include only those items that start with the text you entered.

You can use the standard SQL wild card metacharacter % to mean “match anything”. For example, to list only those tables ending in order, type %order into the look up field. To list all items containing the word java, type %java%. Clearing the search criteria from the look up field resets the filtering to display all the items.