Administration utilities overview

This chapter presents reference information on the programs and database administration utilities that are part of Sybase IQ. The utilities can be accessed from Interactive SQL, or as command-line programs.

For an introduction to Interactive SQL, also called dbisql, see Chapter 2, “Using Interactive SQL (dbisql)”.

For comprehensive documentation on Sybase Central, see the Sybase Central online Help. For an introduction to the Sybase Central database administration tool, see Chapter 3, “Running and Connecting to Servers” in the Introduction to Sybase IQ.

The administration utilities use a set of system environment variables. These variables are described in Chapter 1, “File Locations and Installation Settings” in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.

File administration statements

A set of SQL statements are available that carry out some of the tasks that the administration utilities carry out. These statements are listed in Chapter 6, “SQL Statements” of the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.