Modeling Data Transformations

You can model a data transformation in PowerDesigner by:

We recommend that you:

  1. Identify any input and output sources. These may be existing PDMs, XSMs, BPMs and flat files or live data sources that can be reversed engineered.
  2. Create an ILM and launch one of the following wizards to create your basic transformation environment:

  3. Open the created data transformation diagram(s), and specify any other necessary transformation objects, such as data query executions, calculators, etc. (see the Building Data Transformation Diagrams).
  4. [optional] Create a control flow diagram to detail the order in which a series of data transformation tasks is executed (see Building Transformation Control Flow Diagrams).

You can use the completed model to guide you in writing a transformation for your ETL engine.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: