Understanding CSI  Role-based authorization

Chapter 6: Security


Unwired Accelerator uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) API to secure client- and server-side Java applications. JAAS protects the system from users based on who runs the code and their permissions, and is compatible with various standard security mechanisms such as LDAP.

Unwired Accelerator accesses CSI interfaces indirectly through these standard J2EE security mechanisms:

CSI authentication with PortalDB security provider

If you are using CSI with the PortalDB security provider, Unwired Accelerator uses the following security management functions:

CSI authentication with LDAP security provider, or Enterprise Security

If you are using CSI with the LDAP security provider, Unwired Accelerator has the following limitations:

You must manage these security functions from the LDAP security provider. When an existing LDAP users accesses Portal Interface or Mobile Web Studio, the user must enter account information, even though the information exists in the LDAP registers. The LDAP security provider carries out authorization and authentication.

NoteIf you are using Enterprise Security with Unwired Accelerator, see the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information.

StepsRemoving the Join Now Link

Use these steps to remove the Join Now link that appears on the Portal Interface login window. This is necessary only if you are using CSI with LDAP or another security provider.

NoteLikewise, if you have another process in place for requesting that passwords be reset, you can also remove the Reset Password link in the same way.

  1. Modify the Portal Login application to remove the Join Now link from the Portal Login page:

    1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio using an account with StudioAdmin permissions, such as the masuper account.

    2. Select Applications from the menu in the left pane, and Approved from the Application Manager pane.

    3. Select Portal Login and click Edit.

    4. Under Element List, right-click PortalLogin, and select Edit | HTML.

    5. Maximize the New Element HTML window to make it easier to see.

    6. Under HTML, search for the HTML code the includes the text doJoinNow.

    7. Delete or comment out the code as shown:

      <TR><TD COLSPAN=2><a href="javascript:if(top.loginStorageFrame)
      top.loginStorageFrame.doJoinNow(); "><nobr>
      <SPAN STYLE="font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">
      Join Now<BR></SPAN></nobr></a></TD></TR>
    8. Click Save.

    9. In Application Builder, click Save and click OK to confirm.

    10. Click Close to close the Application Builder window.

    11. Log out of Mobile Web Studio.

  2. Modify the login.jsp file to remove the Join Now link from the second page that comes up if your login attempt from the Login application fails:

    1. Navigate to the following directory:

    2. Open login.jsp in a text editor.

    3. Search for the HTPL code that includes the text “LP_JOIN_NOW.”

    4. Delete or comment out the code as shown:

      <a class=loginLink href="<syp:appContext/>/servlet/
      FWControllerServlet?mvcapp=FWRegistration&rid=<%=rid%>" target="_top"><%=(String)messages.get("LP_JOIN_NOW")%></a>
    5. Save the file and close it.

  3. Stop and restart the Tomcat application server to initialize the change.

  4. Open a Web browser window and access Portal Interface, using procedures in “Accessing Portal Interface”. The Join Now link should no longer display on the Portal Login window, or on the Portal Login error window that displays if you attempt to log in unsuccessfully.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Role-based authorization

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