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Chapter 5: Integrated Products

Administrative tasks

Administrative tasks for UA include the topics included in this guide, as well as the following:

StepsSetting session length

Session information is controlled by Unwired Accelerator. If you are using BlackBerry, the MDS/BES server holds the cookies that contain the JSESSIONID that Tomcat uses to keep track of sessions.

  1. Open web.xml in a text editor. This file is located in SYBASE\tomcat\conf.

  2. Search for Default Session Configuration.

  3. Change the <session-timeout> value to the desired number of minutes. The default is 30, meaning the session times out after 30 minutes of disuse.

    <session-config>    <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config>

  4. Save the file and close the text editor.

  5. Restart the database server and the application server.

StepsConfiguring web service connections

You must also set the WebServiceRoot property in the UWP property group.

  1. Open in a text editor. This file is located in SYBASE\tomcat\webapps\onepage\config if you are using Tomcat. If you are using EAServer it is located in SYBASE\EAServer\Repository\WebApplication\onepage\config.

  2. Search for these properties, and change them if you want:

    Following are the defaults:

    <Properties name="Properties">
    <Property name="ArraySize1" value="2"
       description=”default array size"/>
    	<Property name="WSCache" value="true"
       description="(true/false)' true to turn on
       caching for processed complexTypes and
       definitions of wsdl"/>
    	<Property name="DefaultExpireLength"    value="259200000" description="default expire
       length for cached WS element, e.g., 3 days"/>
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the application server to put the changes into effect.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Creating a new JNDI data source resource

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