Updating global properties   


access control

Controlling access to a data source.


AvantGo Database. M-Business Anywhere database used to store mobile applications. When a user log in to the mobile devices, or synchronizes, mobile applications are deployed to the device.

Answers Anywhere

The Answers Anywhere product enables you to retrieve Unwired Accelerator application data using natural-language-like questions. You can use a variety of client interfaces, including e-mail, short message service (SMS), Web, and M-Business Client, to request information.


Application Program Interface. A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications that enable programs to communicate with each other.


Active Server Pages. An open, compile-free application environment in which Web developers can combine HTML, scripts, and reusable Active Server components. ASP technology enables server-side scripting for IIS with native support for both Visual Basic Scripting Edition and JScript.


A component that provides an interface between an internal application and external applications or messaging systems. An adapter detects events and validates event contents.


A software program that runs on any computing device, such as a computer or a mobile device. In this guide, mobile application is used to describe an application specifically designed to run on a mobile device.

Application Builder

An Unwired Accelerator wizard used to define applications. A succession of windows shows you how to create, configure, and customize the application. You need not use all the windows to define your application; the windows needed vary depending on the type of application you are creating (for example, Web, HTML, JSP, database, document, and so forth).


Assigning permissions to users or groups of users to access secured objects.


BlackBerry Enterprise Server. A Research in Motion platform for delivering applications to BlackBerry mobile devices rapidly and cost-effectively. An alternate solution is M-Business Anywhere, which is available with Unwired Accelerator.

BlackBerry device

A handheld device from Research in Motion that combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet, and networking features. In this document, the term BlackBerry device is used to distinguish between other PDAs, such as PalmOS and PocketPC.


Content Capture Language.


Web content that is optimized for and delivered to mobile devices by M-Business Anywhere server. Channels are defined by a base URL and by other parameters such as channel size, link depth, image preferences, and frequency of refresh. M-Business Anywhere server automatically delivers new information from the specified URL to M-Business Client on the connecting mobile device.


An Unwired Accelerator feature that enables you to connect related or unrelated applications in a flow using events.


A network architecture in which one or more computers (servers) accept requests for services from one or more workstations (clients).

This may also refer to a back-end application (server) that accepts requests for information from a front-end application (client).

client-side click-across

Click-across feature when it is captured from the client side. In Unwired Accelerator, all linked mobile applications are created with server-side click-across.


Synonymous with resource. Resource definitions are located in SYBASE\tomcat\webapps\onepage\fw\cobrands.

Configure Parameters window

Application Builder window used to customize the parameters, or variables, used to capture the grid. This enables application end users to customize or personalize parameter values when they view the application.

connected mode

Describes the connection mode that a device—such as a desktop computer, laptop, or a mobile device—uses to access applications and data. In connected mode, the device has physical or wireless connection to the source. Applications and data are accessed in real time. See also disconnected mode.

connection pooling

Connection pooling is a performance optimization based on using collections of preallocated resources, such as objects or database connections. Pooling results in more efficient resource allocation.

connectionless communications

Communications that do not require a dedicated connection or session between applications.

continuous capture

An Unwired Accelerator feature that enables you to capture a set of Web pages from a remote site, and define how to extract the content for display.


Common Security Infrastructure. The native security framework included with Unwired Accelerator. The default security provider is the portaldatabase (PortalDB); optionally, you can configure the LDAP security provider. An Enterprise Security product is available for those using EAServer as the application server, instead of Tomcat.

Continuous Capture window

Application Builder window used to capture a set of Web pages from a remote site and define how to extract the content for display.

Define window

Application Builder window used to define the grid layout of an application.

disconnected mode

Describes the connection mode that a device—such as a desktop computer, laptop, or a mobile device—uses to access applications and data. In disconnected mode, the device has no physical or wireless connection to the source. Applications and data may be cached in memory, or unavailable. See also connected mode.


A reference to all aspects of a large business organization—from manufacturing to finance, marketing to human resources. This term can also refer to an organization plus its partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers.


An acronym for Enterprise Portal. An enterprise portal integrates all aspects of an organization’s IT infrastructure and offers customers, partners, vendors, and employees a broad array of resources and services, including personalized information, online purchasing, e-mail, forums, and product support.


An event is a notification that occurs in response to some action. It can be a change in state or as a result of the user clicking or moving the mouse, pressing a key, or other actions that are focus-related, element-specific, or object-specific. Developers write code that responds to these actions. An event can also be an object that is imported, passed between processors, and exported to an external database.

event definition

A set of criteria that is used to determine the contents of events.

Filter window

Application Builder window used to identify which rows, columns, and fields to include in the application and which to exclude; and to define additional grid rules.

Finish window

Application Builder window used to configure the application for use.

grid rules

The Unwired Accelerator feature for manipulating the content and format of an application for display on a mobile device.


HyperText Transport (or Transfer) Protocol is the set of rules that governs the exchange of text, graphic, sound, and video files on the World Wide Web.


The secure version of HTTP.


A global network connecting millions of computers.


A private network within an organization.


JDBC is a data access interface based on ODBC and used with the Java programming language.


Sun software: Java 2 platform, Enterprise Edition.


Developed by Sun Microsystems, Java is an object-oriented programming language, similar to C++. Java-based applications, or applets, can be quickly downloaded from a Web site and run using a Java-compatible Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Java applets are the most widespread use of Java on the Web.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is a software protocol that allows anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources (files, devices, etc.) on the Internet or on a corporate intranet. The CSI framework can be configured to work with an LDAP security provider, instead of PortalDB.


Least recently used. The LRU policy is a page-replacement policy that removes from main memory the pages that show the least amount of recent activity. This policy is based on the assumption that these pages are the least likely to be used again in the immediate future.

M-Business Anywhere

A server platform for delivering applications to mobile devices rapidly and cost-effectively. An alternate solution is BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), which is available from Research in Motion.

M-Business Client

The browser client for M-Business Anywhere. The client can be installed on a desktop, or a mobile device. If you use M-Business Anywhere to deploy mobile applications, you can synch data from the browser or mobile device to receive updated applications.


Mobile Data Service. Research In Motion service used to deploy mobile applications to mobile devices. MDS provides internet service, but no e-mail service, where BES provides e-mail service.


Data that describes other data. Any file or database that holds information about another database’s structure, attributes, processing, or changes.

mobile application

An application that is specifically designed to run on a mobile device, such as a BlackBerry device or a PDA. Mobile applications are usually smaller, lighter, and more focused.

mobile device interface

The mobile device interface to Unwired Accelerator that can be used for using mobile applications. See also Portal Interface.

mobile device

A generic term used for any handheld device, such as a BlackBerry device or a PDA. In this document, the term “mobile device” indicates a concept that applies to any device, not a specific device.

Mobile Web Studio

A platform for developing applications for mobile devices. Mobile Web Studio is a Web-based rapid development tool for creating powerful and interactive mobile Web applications or for mobilizing existing Web applications or data sources like databases, XML, Web Services, HTML, and JSPs/ASPs.

New Element window

Application Builder window used to create the element of your choice, including elements for Web, XML, HTML, JSP, database, document, and so forth.


Open Database Connectivity. ODBC is a Windows standard API that is used for SQL communication to connect applications to a variety of data sources. Access is generally provided through the Control Panel, where data source names (DSNs) can be assigned to use specific ODBC drivers.

offline mode

Describes the mode in which a device—such as a desktop computer, laptop, or a mobile device—has access to applications and data. In offline mode, the device is physically disconnected from the source. Applications and data may be cached in memory, or unavailable. See also online mode.

online mode

Describes the mode in which a device—such as a desktop computer, laptop, or a mobile device—has access to applications and data. In online mode, the device is physically connected to the source. Applications and data are available through a physical or wireless connection. See also offline mode.


Personal Digital Assistant. Handheld devices from various manufacturers that combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet, and networking features. In this document, the term PDA is usually used in conjunction with specific devices such as PalmOS and PocketPC, to distinguish from BlackBerry devices.


The entire aggregated set of applications, pages, page groups that are available within Unwired Accelerator. The portal content is divided into different resources (also known as co-brands) where each resource can be configured with a different look and feel, and navigation style. Any given application can be deployed into as many different resources as you want.


The portaldatabase included with Unwired Accelerator that is used to store user information (authentication and access), and applications you create through Mobile Web Studio.

Portal Interface

The computer desktop interface to Unwired Accelerator that can be used for creating personal Web applications. See also mobile device interface.


Synonymous with application. Typically, a mobile application that can be deployed to Portal Interface (a desktop interface), or to mobile devices.


A division of portal content that can be configured with a different display and navigation style. Applications can be deployed into multiple resources. Resources are also known as co-brands.

searchable index



A computer or software package that provides specific capabilities to client software running on other computers.

server-side click-across

Click-across feature when it is captured from the server side. In Unwired Accelerator, server-side click-across can be captured from Mobile Web Studio (server side), but not from Portal Interface or mobile devices (client side). All linked mobile applications are created with server-side click-across.


A servlet is a small, persistent, low-level program that runs on a server. The term was coined in the context of the Java applet, a small program that is sent as a separate file along with a Web (HTML) page.

Some programs that access databases based on user input need to be on the server. These programs were most often implemented using a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application. However, if a Java virtual machine is running in the server, servlets can be implemented in Java. A Java servlet can execute more quickly than a CGI application. Instead of creating a separate program process, each user request is invoked as a thread in a single daemon process, so that the system overhead for each request is slight.


Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP provides a way for applications to communicate with each other over the Internet, independent of platform. Remote objects can give a program almost unlimited power over the Internet, but most firewalls block non-HTTP requests. SOAP, an XML-based protocol, avoids this limitation to provide intraprocess communication across machines.

In Unwired Accelerator, the implementation of SOAP is intended to provide businesses with a way to expose corporate software functionality to their customers with minimal firewall constraints, platform dependencies, or complex development implementations involving DCOM or CORBA.

SOAP was developed by Microsoft, DevelopMentor, and Userland Software and has been proposed to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard.

Split window

Application Builder window used to add parameters for splitting rows and columns in a grid. Split rules are defined for rows and columns; for delimiters; and for personalization adapters.

spidered application

A spidered application refers to data collected from a Web site within an URL structure, with the intent to create a searchable index.


Structured Query Language. Set of commands to access and manipulate data stored in a database.


Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is a standard for providing encrypted and authenticated service over the Internet. Using the Rivest Shamir and Adleman (RSA) public key, a public-key cryptography for Internet security, specific TCP/IP ports can be encrypted. Primarily used for handling commerce payments, SSL is a general-purpose encryption standard for the Internet.


A portable standard for network application providers on TCP/IP networks.

stored procedure

A program that creates a named collection of SQL or other procedural statements and logic that is compiled, verified, and stored in a server database.

style sheet

General term for software that transforms XML documents based on one XML vocabulary into XML documents based on a different XML vocabulary. Example style sheets are JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and XSLT style sheets.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol—the network protocol for the Internet that runs on virtually every operating system. IP is the network layer and TCP is the transport layer.

Unwired Accelerator

A software solution that accelerates the mobilization of enterprise Web applications and data sources for constant access. Unwired Accelerator is comprised of Mobile Web Studio, M-Business Anywhere, and Answers Anywhere.


The Universal Window (application) Player, also referred to as UPP— Universal Portlet Playback engine. This refers to the navigation in Mobile Web Studio.


Wireless Application Protocol. A protocol designed to show internet contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones. WAP uses the markup language WML. WAP uses a microbrowser to fit into a small mobile device.

Window Preview window

Application Builder window used to view the element and give it a name.


Wireless Markup Language. WML is used to create pages that can be displayed in a WAP browser. WML is a markup language inherited from HTML, but is based on XML.


Software used to automatically route events or workitems from one user or program to another. Workflow is synonymous with process flow, although traditionally has been used in the context of person-to-person information flows.


eXtensible Markup Language—a simplified subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)—is a way to that provides a file format for representing data, a method for describing data structure, and a mechanism for extending and annotating HTML with semantic information.

As a universal data format, XML provides a standard for the server-to-server transfer of different types of structured data so that the information can be decoded, manipulated, and displayed consistently and correctly. In addition, it enables the development of three-tier Web applications, acting as the data transfer format between the middle-tier Web server and the client.

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