Overview  Adding resources

Chapter 4: Resources

Creating resources

To create additional resources, repeat these steps for each resource you want to create. Each step references a procedure that gives detailed instructions.

  1. Add a new resource. This step must be done by the StudioAdmin user. See “Adding resources”.

  2. Create a directory for the new resource and edit the cobrands.xml file. This step can be done by the system administrator. See “Editing the cobrands.xml file”.

  3. Copy resource-specific files to the new resource directory. This step can be done by the system administrator. See “Copying resource-specific files”.

  4. Edit the resource-specific file to fit the new resource. The developer or system administrator can perform this step. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for information about changing the portal display characteristics.

  5. Implement the resource as described in “Implementing resources”.

NoteUsers can have multiple concurrent sessions from different Web browsers displaying different resources in the same portal.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Adding resources

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