Editing the cobrands.xml file  Editing resource-specific files

Chapter 4: Resources

Copying resource-specific files

In this step, configure new resources by copying and modifying default resource files. This section demonstrates the required changes for setting up the resource, but you can copy and modify other default files to override default values. For more information, study some of the example resources provided with Unwired Accelerator.

  1. Navigate to:




    SYBASE\EAServer\Repository\WebApplication\onepage\fw\ baseApps

  2. Copy messages.xml and styles.xml and paste them in the new resource folder you created in “Editing the cobrands.xml file”.

  3. Create the subdirectory fwdisplaystaticfile\style in the new resource folder.

  4. Navigate to the subdirectory baseApps\fwdisplaystaticfile\style.

  5. Copy css.css and css.jsp, and paste them into the \style subdirectory that you just created for the new resource.

  6. In a text editor, open the copied css.jsp file, and change the HREF location reference to the css.css file’s location in the \style subdirectory for the new resource. Your entry should look similar to this:

    %> <%@ taglib uri="http://www.sybase.com/taglib/syp" prefix="syp"%> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="<syp:appContext/>/fw/cobrands/newResource-211/ fwdisplaystaticfile/style/css.css">

  7. Save and close the file.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Editing resource-specific files

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