Working with database channels  Architectural overview

Chapter 5: Integrated Products


You can deploy mobile applications to BlackBerry devices using any of these methods:

The method are available for deploying mobile applications from Mobile Web Studio to BlackBerry devices:

Two BlackBerry clients are available for running mobile applications on the mobile device:

Table 5-1 describes the advantages and disadvantages for using UA Offline client and BlackBerry browsers. Use the information to troubleshoot mobile application problems.

Table 5-1: UA client versus BlackBerry browser




UA Offline client

  • Has better table UI support. BlackBerry browser does not support tables. Has list/detailed view of records. We can control the columns in the list/detail view.

  • Provides offline access to data. The application data is stored in device memory.

  • Access content quicker since data is stored in memory.

  • Battery dies, you will lose your data.

  • Not live application content.

  • Requires network connection to sync.

  • Has transfer size limits from MDS/BES.

BlackBerry browser

  • Real time access to data. Application data is always up-to-date because it is always online.

  • No need to sync.

  • Cannot access application content if you are out of range (no network connection). Need to be always connected.

  • Lack of table UI support. Columns are wrapped to the next line.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Architectural overview

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