Filtering the display of objects  Filtering the display of libraries and folders

Chapter 4: Working with Libraries

Creating and deleting libraries

A library is created automatically when you create a new PowerScript target, but you can create as many libraries as you need for your project in the Library painter.

StepsTo create a library:

  1. Click the Create button or select Entry>Library>Create from the menu bar.

    The Create Library dialog box displays, showing the current directory and listing the libraries it contains.

  2. Enter the name of the library you are creating and specify the directory in which you want to store it.

    The file is given the extension PKL.

  3. Click Save.

    The library properties dialog box displays.

  4. Enter any comments you want to associate with the library.

    Adding comments to describe the purpose of a library is important if you are working on a large project with other developers.

  5. Click OK.

    PocketBuilder creates the library.

StepsTo delete a library:

  1. In either the Tree view or the List view, select the library you want to delete.

  2. Select Entry>Delete from the menu bar or select Delete from the pop-up menu.

    NoteRestriction You cannot delete a library that is in the current target's library search path.

    The Delete Library dialog box displays, showing the library you selected.

  3. Click Yes to delete the library.

    The library and all its entries are deleted from the file system.

NoteCreating and deleting libraries during execution You can use the LibraryCreate and LibraryDelete functions in scripts to create and delete libraries. For information about these functions, see the online Help.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Filtering the display of libraries and folders

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