Specifying an icon  Writing application-level scripts

Chapter 3: Working with PowerScript Targets

Specifying default global objects

PocketBuilder provides built-in global objects that are predefined in all applications.

Table 3-7: Built-in global objects in PocketBuilder applications

Global object



Transaction object, used to communicate with your database


Used to report errors during execution


Used to process messages that are not defined events, and to pass parameters between windows

You can create your own versions of these objects by creating a standard class user object inherited from one of the built-in global objects. You can add instance variables and functions to enhance the behavior of the global objects.

For more information, see Chapter 14, “Working with User Objects.”

After you do this, you can tell PocketBuilder that you want to use your version of the object in your application as the default, instead of the built-in version.

StepsTo specify the default global objects:

  1. In the Properties view, click Additional Properties and select the Variable Types tab.

    The Variable Types property page displays.

  2. Specify the standard class user object you defined in the corresponding field.

    For example, if you defined a user object named mytrans that is inherited from the built-in Transaction object, type mytrans in the box corresponding to SQLCA.

  3. Click OK.

    When you run your application, it will use the specified standard class user objects instead of the built-in global objects as the default objects.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Writing application-level scripts

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