Appendix D: Designing Applications for Windows CE Platforms  Comparative performance

Appendix D: Designing Applications for Windows CE Platforms

General considerations

Because of the smaller size and typically intermittent energy supply for Windows CE platforms in comparison to Windows desktop platforms, fast and efficient code is essential to reduce power utilization.

When you open connections to peripheral utilities such as Bluetooth, SDIO, or WiFi, you must consider closing all peripheral handles as soon as such utilities are no longer needed. Applications deployed to Windows CE devices should save up requests for bulk usage and avoid constant polling. Polling loops prevent the Windows CE device processor from going into low-power idle mode, and thus reduce battery life.

Windows CE applications should also avoid unnecessary processing, such as that required for animations, and should lose focus and deactivate when overlayed by another application process. Where possible, you should add timers to applications to stop unnecessary processing.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Comparative performance

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