Examining objects in memory  Using the Source Browser view

Chapter 25: Testing and Debugging Applications

Using the Source view

The Source view displays the full text of a script. As you run or step through the application, the Source view is updated to show the current script with a yellow arrow indicating the next statement to be executed.

Multiple Source views

You can open more than one source view. If there are multiple source views open, only the first one opened is updated to show the current script when the context of an application changes.

Copying from the Source view

When text is selected in the Source view, you can select Copy from the pop-up menu in the Source view to copy the string to the clipboard. You can then paste the string into another dialog box to search for the string, insert a watch, or add a conditional breakpoint.

Changing the Source view

From the pop-up menu, you can navigate backward and forward through the scripts that have been opened so far, open ancestor and dependent scripts, and go to a specific line in the current script. There are several other ways to change the script from other views or from the menu bar.

StepsTo change the script displayed in a Source view:

  1. Do one of the following:

StepsTo find a specified string in the Source view:

  1. Select Find from the pop-up menu, or select Edit>Find from the menu bar.

    The Find Text dialog box opens.

  2. Type the string in the Find box and check the search options you want.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using the Source Browser view

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