Examining an application at a breakpoint  Watching variables and expressions

Chapter 25: Testing and Debugging Applications

Examining variable values

Using Variables views

Each Variables view shows one or more types of variables in an expandable outline. Double-click the variable names or click on the plus and minus signs next to them to expand and contract the hierarchy. If you open a new Variables view, it shows all variable types.

Table 25-3: Variable views in the debugger

Variable type

What the Variables view shows


Values of variables that are local to the current script or function


Values of all global variables defined for the application and properties of all objects (such as windows) that are open


Properties of the current object instance (the object to which the current script belongs) and values of instance variables defined for the current object


Properties of the parent of the current instance


Objects, such as application, window, and menu objects, that have been opened, and the shared variables associated with them

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Watching variables and expressions

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