Associating data with a graph  Specifying the categories

Chapter 24: Working with Graphs

Specifying which rows to include in a graph

The Rows drop-down list allows you to specify which rows of data are graphed at any one time.

Table 24-6: Specifying which rows to include in a graph




Graphs the data from all the rows that have been retrieved but not filtered or deleted (that is, the rows in the primary buffer of the DataWindow object)


Graphs only the data from the rows that are currently displayed on the page

Group n

Graphs only the data in the specified group (in a grouped DataWindow object)

NoteIf you select Group If you are graphing data in the current group in a grouped DataWindow object and have several groups displayed at the same time, you should localize the graph in a group-related band in the Design view to make it clear which group the graph represents. Usually, the group header band is the most appropriate band.

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