Specifying the expression  Summary of maintaining the entities

Chapter 21: Displaying and Validating Data


Here are some examples of validation rules.

Example 1 To check that the data entered in the current column is a positive integer, use this validation rule:

Integer(GetText( )) > 0

Example 2 If the current column contains the discounted price and the column named Full_Price contains the full price, you could use the following validation rule to evaluate the contents of the column using the Full_Price column:

Match(GetText( ),"^[0-9]+$") AND
Real(GetText( )) < Full_Price

To pass the validation rule, the data must be all digits (must match the text pattern ^[0-9]+$) and must be less than the amount in the Full_Price column.

Notice that to compare the numeric value in the column with the numeric value in the Full_Price column, the Real function was used to convert the text to a number.

Example 3 Suppose that in your company, a product price and a sales commission are related in the following way:

The Sales table has two columns, Price and Commission. The validation rule for the Commission column is:

(Number(GetText( )) >= If(price >= 1000, .10, .04))
(Number(GetText( )) <= If(price >= 1000, .20, .09))

A customized error message for the Commission column is:

"Price is " + if(price >= 1000,
"greater than or equal to","less than") +
" 1000. Commission must be between " +
If(price >= 1000,".10", ".04") + " and " +
If(price >= 1000, ".20.", ".09.")

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