Specifying the unique key columns  Specifying updatable columns

Chapter 20: Controlling Updates in DataWindow Objects

Specifying an identity column

ASA allows you to specify that the value for a column in a new row is to be automatically assigned. This kind of column is called an identity column.

For example, ASA allow you to define autoincrement columns so that the column for a new row is automatically assigned a value one greater than that of the previous highest value. You could use this feature to specify that the order number should be automatically incremented when someone adds a new order:

Figure 20-3: Selecting identity columns for autoincrementation

By specifying an identity column in the Specify Update Properties dialog box, you tell PocketBuilder to bring back the value of a new row's identity column after an insert in the DataWindow object so that users can see it.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Specifying updatable columns

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