Moving controls in a DataWindow object  Resizing controls in a DataWindow object

Chapter 19: Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects

Copying controls in a DataWindow object

You can copy controls within a DataWindow object and to other DataWindow objects. All properties of the controls are copied.

StepsTo copy a control in a DataWindow object:

  1. Select the control.

  2. Select Edit>Copy from the menu bar.

    The control is copied to a private PocketBuilder clipboard.

  3. Copy (paste) the control to the same DataWindow object or to another one:

    PocketBuilder pastes the control at the same location as in the source DataWindow object. If you are pasting into the same DataWindow object, you should move the pasted control so that it does not cover the original control. PocketBuilder displays a message box if the control you are pasting is not valid for the destination DataWindow object.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Resizing controls in a DataWindow object

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