You use the Preview view of the DataWindow painter to view a DataWindow object as it will appear with data and to test the processing that takes place in the DataWindow object.
To display the Preview view of a DataWindow object
If the Preview view is not already displayed, select View>Preview from the menu bar.
In the Preview view, the bars that indicate the bands do not display, and, if you selected Retrieve on Preview in the DataWindow wizard, PocketBuilder retrieves all the rows from the database. You are prompted to supply arguments if you defined retrieval arguments.
As rows of data are being retrieved, the Retrieve button in the PainterBar changes to a Cancel button. You can click the Cancel button to stop the retrieval.
External DataWindow objects If the DataWindow object uses the External data source, no data is retrieved. You can import data, as described in “Importing data into a DataWindow object”.
DataWindow objects that have stored data If the DataWindow object has stored data in it, no data is retrieved from the database.
If you are connected to an UltraLite database and preview
fails with a Select error: SQLE_SYNTAX_ERROR
you might have opened a DataWindow object that was created using
a different DBMS and that uses qualified SQL. The column names will
be qualified with an owner name such as dba.
UltraLite does not support table owners. There are two ways to remove the
Select Design>Data Source and add
an additional column to the column list, then remove it again. When
you click the Return button on the PainterBar, PocketBuilder displays
the message: SELECT change has forced update
specification change
. Click OK to rebuild the DataWindow
syntax with unqualified SQL, then click Save.
Close the DataWindow painter, select the DataWindow object in the System Tree, and select Edit Source from its pop-up menu. Place the edit cursor at the beginning of the editor, then s
elect Edit>Replace to replace all occurrences of the owner name and the period that follows it with an empty string. After you save and close the source, the DataWindow displays correctly in the Preview view.
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