Specifying additional properties for character columns  Cutting, copying, and pasting columns

Chapter 16: Managing the Database

Altering a table

After a table is created, you can make the following modifications if the table is not in an UltraLite database (you need to modify an UltraLite database schema to modify a table):

You cannot:

Figure 16-3: Table definition in Columns view of Database painter

StepsTo alter a table:

  1. Highlight the table and select Alter Table from the pop-up menu.

    NoteOpening multiple instances of tables You can open another instance of a table by selecting Columns from the View menu. Doing this is helpful when you want to use the Database painter's cut, copy, and paste features to cut or copy and paste between tables.

    The table definition displays in the Columns view.

  2. Make the changes you want in the Columns view or in the Object Details view.

  3. Select Save Table or Save Changes.

    PocketBuilder submits the pending SQL syntax statements it generated to the DBMS, and the table is modified.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Cutting, copying, and pasting columns

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