The Signature control lets you capture a user’s signature or a drawing and save it. You can also set data in the control.
To add a Signature control to a window or user object, use the Insert>Control>Signature menu item, or select the Signature icon on the Controls drop-down toolbar on the PainterBar and click inside the window or user object.
The GetDataAsInk and SetDataAsInk functions get and set blob data, including graphical information such as signature or drawing, in Pocket Word Ink (PWI) format, which is compatible with Pocket Word. You can also save blob data as a bitmap using the GetDataAsBitmap function. The bitmap is compatible with the Picture control and Windows desktop applications.
The GetDataAsRTF and SetDataAsRTF functions get and set data in RTF format in a blob or Unicode string. However, due to a Microsoft limitation, these functions can currently get and set only the text data in the control, such as data typed in using the SIP. They cannot get and set graphical data.
The GetDataAsText and SetDataAsText can also get and set text data in a Unicode string.
After saving the data in the control, use the Clear function to clear all data in the control.
Properties and functions of a Signature control are described in the PowerScript Reference and in the online Help.
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