Digital camera objects  NotificationBubble object

Chapter 15: Working with Native Objects and Controls for Windows CE Devices

HPBiometricScanner object


The HPBiometricScanner nonvisual object inherits from the BiometricScanner base class to interface with the Hewlett-Packard biometric scanner. The scanner software is designed to work with the hp IPAQ h5500 and h5550 Pocket PC terminals that include an integrated biometric fingerprint reader.


You can add an HPBiometricScanner object to your PocketBuilder application by selecting the Insert>Object>HPBiometricScanner menu item. After you add this object to your application, you must call the Open function on the object to load the scanner DLLs and connect to the scanner firmware.

You start a synchronous scan by calling ScanCapture, passing in a scan timeout period in seconds and an enumerated value for the scan purpose. You can call the VerifyMatch function to compare the scanned minutiae with a template scan stored in a database.

The following is example code for comparing a single fingerprint scan using an HPBiometricScanner object that is assigned to l_scanner:

Integer li_ret
Blob	 lblob_MinutiaeFromDatabase
Blob lblob_MinutiaeFromScan
li_ret = l_scanner.Open()
li_ret = l_scanner.ScanCapture(30, &       EnrollForVerification!)
sle_quality.text = string(l_scanner.ScannedQuality())
li_ret = &   l_scanner.ScannedMinutiae(lblob_MinutiaeFromScan)
li_ret = &    l_scanner.VerifyMatch(lblob_MinutiaeFromScan, &       lblob_MinutiaeFromDatabase)

For more information

Properties and functions of the BiometricScanner base class (implemented by the HPBiometricScanner object) are described in the PowerScript Reference and in the online Help.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. NotificationBubble object

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