Creating a new user object  Building a standard class user object

Chapter 14: Working with User Objects

Building a custom class user object

On the PB Object tab page of the New dialog box, if you select Custom Class and click OK, the User Object painter for custom class user objects opens.

StepsTo build the custom class user object:

  1. Declare functions, structures, or variables you need for the user object.

  2. Create and compile scripts for the user object.

    Custom class user objects have built-in constructor and destructor events.

  3. Save the user object.

    See “Saving a user object”.

Using AutoInstantiate

You can create custom class user objects that are autoinstantiated, which provides you with the ability to define methods.

Autoinstantiated user objects do not require explicit CREATE or DESTROY statements when you use them. They are instantiated when you call them in a script and destroyed automatically.

StepsTo define an autoinstantiated custom class user object:

  1. In the Properties view, select the AutoInstantiate check box

For more information about autoinstantiation, see “autoinstantiate” in the online Help.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Building a standard class user object

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