Using inherited scripts  Extending a script

Chapter 12: Understanding Inheritance

Viewing inherited scripts

If an inherited object or control has a script defined only in an ancestor, no script displays in the Script view.

Script icons in the second drop-down list

The second drop-down list in the Script view indicates which events have scripts written for an ancestor, as follows:

Script icons in the third drop-down list

The third drop-down list in the Script view shows the current object followed by each of its ancestors in ascending order. The icon next to an object name indicates whether the object has a script for the event selected in the second drop-down list, as follows:

StepsTo view an ancestor script:

  1. In the first drop-down list in the Script view for an inherited object, select the object itself, and in the second drop-down list, select the event whose script you want to see.

    The Script view does not display the script for the ancestor. No script displays.

  2. In the third drop-down list in the Script view, select an ancestor object that has a script for the selected event.

    The Script view displays any script defined in the ancestor object.

  3. To climb the inheritance hierarchy, in the third drop-down list select the script for the grandparent of the current object, the great-grandparent, and so on, until you display the scripts you want.

    The Script view displays the scripts for each of the ancestor objects. You can traverse the entire inheritance hierarchy using the third drop-down list.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Extending a script

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