Examples of statements  Using inheritance to build a window

Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Running a window

During development, you can test a window on the desktop without running the whole application or deploying it to an emulation environment.

You can run a window using the PowerBar Run/Preview Object button, even if the window is not in the current target or library. Because the window is functional, if the window is currently open in the Window painter, you are prompted to save any changes to the window. You can trigger events and open other windows while running the window in this manner.

NotePreviewing the window You can preview a window from the Window painter by using the Preview button on the PainterBar or run the window by clicking the Preview button on the PowerBar. For information about previewing using the PainterBar button, see “Previewing a window”.

StepsTo run a window:

  1. Click the Preview button in the PowerBar (not the PainterBar).

  2. In the Run/Preview dialog box, select Windows as the Objects of Type.

  3. Select the target that includes the window you want to run.

  4. Select the library that includes the window.

  5. Select the window you want to run and click OK.

    You must save your work before running a window. If you have not saved your work, PocketBuilder prompts you to do so.

    PocketBuilder runs the window.

When running a window, you can trigger events, open other windows, connect to a database, and so on. The window is fully functional. It has access to global variables you have defined for the application and to built-in global variables, such as SQLCA. The SystemError event is not triggered if there is an error, because SystemError is an Application object event.

StepsTo return to the Window painter:

  1. Do one of the following:

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using inheritance to build a window

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