Previewing a window  Writing scripts in windows

Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Printing a window's definition

You can print a window's definition for documentation purposes.

StepsTo print information about the current window:

  1. Select File>Print from the menu bar

    Information about the current window is sent to the printer specified in Printer Setup. You can change the information sent to the printer by right-clicking the window in the System Tree or Library painter, selecting Print from the pop-up menu, then selecting or clearing check boxes for the different print options for the window or user object.

    NotePrint settings You can also view and change the print options from the Library painter by selecting any PocketBuilder object and then selecting Entry>Library Item>Print from the menu bar.

    PocketBuilder records your printing options preferences in variables in the [Library] section of the PocketBuilder initialization file, so the preference is maintained across sessions. If there is no [Library] section, PocketBuilder creates one after you print an object definition for the first time.

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