Choosing the window's size and position  Adding controls

Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Specifying window scrolling

If your window is larger than the default size, it is probable that not all the window's contents will be visible during execution. In such cases, you should make the window scrollable by providing vertical and horizontal scroll bars. You do this on the Scroll property page.

By default, PocketBuilder controls scrolling when scroll bars are present. You can set values for the size of the scrolling action when a user clicks on a scroll bar arrow.

Table 10-1: Options that control the size of a scrolling action




The number of PBUs to scroll up or down when the user clicks the up or down arrow in the vertical scroll bar. When the value is 0 (the default), a scrolling action equals 1/100 the height of the window. The value you enter defines a logical line in the context of the current window.


The number of PBUs to scroll right or left when the user clicks the right or left arrow in the horizontal scroll bar. When the value is 0 (the default), a scrolling action equals 1/100 the width of the window. The value you enter defines a logical column in the context of the current window.


The number of columns to scroll when the user clicks the horizontal scroll bar itself. When the value is 0 (the default), a scrolling action equals 10 columns.


The number of lines to scroll when the user clicks the vertical scroll bar itself. When the value is 0 (the default), a scrolling action equals 10 lines.

StepsTo specify window scrolling:

  1. Click the window's background so that the Properties view displays window properties.

  2. Select the Scroll tab.

  3. Indicate which scroll bars you want to display by selecting the HScrollBar and VScrollBar check boxes.

  4. For horizontal scroll bars, specify scrolling options for the units per column and the columns per page. For vertical scroll bars, specify scrolling options for the units per line and the lines per page.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Adding controls

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