Creating a new window  Using the General properties page

Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Defining the window's properties

Every window (and control) has a style that determines how it appears to the user. You define a window's style by choosing settings in the Window painter’s Properties view. A window's style encompasses its:

Runtime size of main windows depends on the device where you deploy your application.

When you define a window's style in the Window painter, you are actually assigning values to the properties for the window. You can programmatically change some elements of a window's style during execution by setting its properties in scripts, although other style selections must be made prior to the loading of the window on the deployment device.

For a list of window properties, see Objects and Controls in the online Help. Because of target platform differences, some of the properties listed for PowerBuilder windows do not apply to PocketBuilder windows.

For descriptions of window properties that are specific to PocketBuilder (that is, they do not apply to windows in PowerBuilder applications), see Appendix B, “PowerBuilder and PocketBuilder Product Differences,” in this User’s Guide.

StepsTo specify window properties:

  1. Click the window's background to display the window’s properties in the Properties view.

    NoteAnother way to display window properties You can also select the window name in the Control List view.

  2. Choose the tab appropriate to the property you want to specify:

Choose this tab

To specify the window's


Name, type, state, navigation bar button, default design-time size setting, color, and whether a menu is associated with it


Horizontal and vertical scroll bar placement


Position and size on the desktop and whether or not to display a tap-and-hold indicator on the Pocket PC

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using the General properties page

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