Main windows  About the Window painter

Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Response windows

Response windows request information from the user. A response window is always opened within another window (its parent). Typically, a response window is opened after some event occurs in the parent window.

Response windows are application modal. That is, when a response window displays, it is the active window (it has focus), and no other window in the application is accessible until the user responds to the response window. The user can go to other applications, but when the user returns to the application, the response window is still active. Response windows act like modal pop-up windows.

Using response windows

For example, if you want to display a confirmation window when a user tries to close a window with unsaved changes, use a response window. The user is not allowed to proceed until the response window is closed.

Figure 10-1: Example of a response window

Using message boxes

PocketBuilder also provides message boxes, which are predefined windows that act like response windows in that they are application modal. You open message boxes using the PowerScript MessageBox function.

For more information, see “MessageBox” in the online Help.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. About the Window painter

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