Using structures with functions  Chapter 10: Working with Windows

Chapter 9: Working with Structures

Displaying and pasting structure information

You can display the names and variables of defined structures in the Browser. You can also paste these entries into a script.

StepsTo display information about a global structure in the Browser:

  1. Select the Structure tab and select a structure.

  2. Double-click the properties folder in the right pane.

    The properties folder expands to show the structure variables as properties of the structure.

StepsTo display information about an object-level structure in the Browser:

  1. Select the tab for the type of object for which the structure is defined.

  2. Select the object that contains the structure.

  3. Double-click the structure folder in the right pane.

    The structure folder expands to display the structure variables using dot notation.

StepsTo paste the information into a script:

  1. Scroll to the structure variable you want to paste.

  2. Select Copy from the variable’s pop-up menu.

  3. Insert the cursor in the script where you want to paste the variable and select Paste from the pop-up menu.

    The variable name displays at the insertion point in the script.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 10: Working with Windows

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