Defining structures  Using structures

Chapter 9: Working with Structures

Modifying structures

StepsTo modify a structure:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Review the variable information displayed in the Structure view and modify the structure as necessary.

    To insert a variable before an existing variable, highlight it and select Insert>Row from the menu bar or Insert Row from the pop-up menu.

    To delete a variable, select Delete Row from the pop-up menu.

  3. Save the modified structure.

Building a similar structure

If you want to create a structure that is similar to one that already exists, you can use the existing structure as a starting point and modify it.

StepsTo build an object-level structure that is similar to an existing object-level structure:

  1. Right-click the existing structure in the Structure List view.

  2. Select Duplicate from the pop-up menu.

  3. Name the new structure in the Structure Name box.

  4. Modify variables as needed.

StepsTo build a global structure that is similar to an existing global structure:

  1. Open and modify the existing structure.

  2. Select File>Save As from the PocketBuilder menu.

  3. Type a name for the new structure, optionally add or modify a comment, select the library where you want to save the structure, and click OK.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using structures

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