About user-defined functions  Defining user-defined functions

Chapter 7: Working with User-Defined Functions

Deciding which kind you want

When you design your application, you need to decide how you will use the functions you will define:

NoteMultiple objects can have functions with the same name Two or more objects can have functions with the same name that do different things. In object-oriented terms, this is called polymorphism. For example, each window type can have its own Initialize function that performs processing unique to that window type. There is never any ambiguity about which function is being called, because you always specify the object's name when you call an object-level function.

Object-level functions can also be overloaded—two or more functions can have the same name but different argument lists. Global functions cannot be overloaded.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Defining user-defined functions

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