Modifying source-controlled targets and objects  Copy and move operations on source-controlled objects

Chapter 5: Using Source Control

Effects of source control on object management

You must check out a target file from source control before you can modify its properties. If objects in a source-controlled target are not themselves registered in source control, you can add them to or delete them from the local target without checking out the target. However, you must remove a source-controlled object from the source control system before you can delete the same object from the local copy of the target (whether or not the target itself is under source control).

Although you can add objects to a source-controlled target without checking out the target from source control, you cannot add existing libraries to the library list of a source-controlled PowerScript target unless the target is checked out.

For information on removing an object from source control, see “Removing objects from source control”.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Copy and move operations on source-controlled objects

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