Checking objects in to source control  Synchronizing objects with the source control server

Chapter 5: Using Source Control

Clearing the checked-out status of objects

Sometimes you need to clear (reverse) the checked-out status of an object without checking it back in to source control. This is usually the case if you modify the object but then decide not to use the changes you have made. When you undo a checkout on an object, PocketBuilder replaces your local copy with the latest version of the object on the source control server. For PowerScript targets, it compiles and regenerates the object in its target PKL.

Clearing the status of multiple objects

If you select the Undo Check Out menu item for a PocketBuilder target that is checked out to you, and at least one of the objects in that target is also checked out to you, PocketBuilder displays a dialog box that prompts you to:

If you select the multiple file option, or if the target file is not currently checked out to you, the Undo Check Out dialog box displays the list of objects from that target that are locked by you in source control. A check box next to each object in the list lets you choose the objects for which you want to undo the checked-out status. By default, check boxes are selected for all objects that are currently checked out to you from source control.

You can also select multiple objects (without selecting a target) in the List view of the Library painter. The PocketBuilder SCC API does not let you undo the checked-out status of an object that you have not checked out of source control. If you use multiple object selection to select an object that is not checked out to you, PocketBuilder does not include this object in the list view of the Undo Check Out dialog box.

StepsTo clear the checked-out status of entries:

  1. Right-click the object in the System Tree or in a Library painter view and select Undo Check Out from the pop-up menu


    Select the object in a Library painter view and select Entry>Source Control>Undo Check Out from the Library painter menu.

    The Undo Check Out dialog box displays the name of the object you selected. If you selected multiple objects, the Undo Check Out dialog box displays the list of objects in the selection that are currently checked out to you. You can also display a list of objects that are checked out to you when you select a target file.

  2. Make sure that the check box is selected next to the object whose checked-out status you want to clear, and click OK.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Synchronizing objects with the source control server

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