PocketBuilder enables you to use the PBNative check in/check out utility that ships with PowerBuilder (but not with PocketBuilder). PBNative allows you to lock the current version of PocketBuilder objects and prevents others from checking out these objects while you are working on them. It provides minimal versioning functionality, and does not allow you to add comments or labels to objects that you add or check in to the PBNative project directory.
You connect to PBNative from PocketBuilder in the same way you connect to all other source control systems: through the PocketBuilder SCC API. You use the same menu items to add, check out, check in, or get the latest version of objects on the source control server. However, any menu item that calls a source control management tool is unavailable when you select PBNative as your source control system.
Because there is no separate management tool for PBNative, if you need to edit project PKG files that get out of sync, you can open them directly on the server without checking them out of source control.
For more information about PKG files, see “Editing the PKG file for a source-controlled target”.
PBNative creates files with an extra PRP extension for every object registered in the server storage location. If an object with the same file name (minus the additional extension) has been checked out, a PRP file provides the user name of the person who has placed a lock on the object. PRP files are created on the server, not in the local path.
PocketBuilder also adds a version number to the PRP file for an object in the PBNative archive directory when you register that object with PBNative source control. PocketBuilder increments the version number when you check in a new revision. The version number is visible in the Show History dialog box that you open from the pop-up menu for the object, or in the Library painter when you display the object version numbers.
For more information on the Show History dialog box, see “Displaying the source control version history”. For information on displaying the version number in the Library painter, see “Displaying libraries and objects”.
Using Show Differences functionality with PBNative
PBNative has an option that allows you to see differences
between an object on the server and an object on the local machine
using a 32-bit visual difference utility that you must install separately.
For information on setting up a visual difference utility for use
with PBNative, see “Comparing local objects with source control versions”.
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