Advantages of the Web Target development environment

The Web Target development environment simplifies the configuration and coding tasks for your applications. Wizards and dialog boxes let you provide the information an application needs while the development tool takes care of implementation details.

Simplifies Web application creation You can use three wizards to create a new Web target: the JSP Target wizard, the Web Site wizard, and the Source Controlled Web Target wizard.

The JSP Target wizard prompts you to select a JSP server and select connection properties for the server. The wizard also steps you through the Deployment Configuration wizard screens.

The Web Site wizard prompts you for a target name and suggests default Source and Build folders.

The Source Controlled Target wizard creates a Web target that is checked in to source control.

Helps automate deployment configuration After you create a Web Site target, you can manually run the Deployment Configuration wizard. You access the Deployment Configuration wizard through the Web target properties sheet. When you set up a deployment configuration, you specify the type of server you want your Web files to run on—the available choices depend on your target type.

For JSP targets, you can choose either Tomcat or EAServer as your JSP server. For Web site targets, your deployment target can be Active Server Pages or Basic (a file system that can be used by a Web server of your choice).

Dynamically extends supported object models The Web Target object model extends the programming interface for your Web pages by simplifying how you include connections to databases, Web DataWindows, and EAServer components, and how you handle error reporting. The entries you make in dialog boxes generate server scripts that you can extend and customize.

The Web Target object model supports an open architecture. However, 4GL extensions cannot be used with ASP Web site targets.

Automates link management The build process for Web targets verifies the links between files, writing warnings for broken links or bad syntax to the Output window. It does not attempt to fix the links and it does not prevent deployment of the target files.

Enables the use of a team environment If you create Web targets in a team environment, you can control file access though the source control system you have configured for your workspace. You work with the source control system the same way as for PowerScript targets in PowerBuilder, except that for Web targets, you do not need to compile the files you obtain from the source control server.