Creating a Web target

You create a Web target using the Web Site wizard or the JSP Target wizard. Creating a Web target defines the folder structure for the target.

StepsTo create a Web target:

  1. From an open workspace, select File>New


    In the Workspace tab of the System Tree, right-click the workspace name, and select New from the pop-up menu.

  2. On the Target page of the New dialog box:

    Click this wizard

    To create this

    JSP Target

    A JSP Web site that you deploy to a JSP 1.2 component server such as Tomcat or EAServer

    Web Site

    A Web site that gets deployed to a file system or an FTP server

    The New Target wizard starts.

  3. Follow the instructions on the wizard pages.

Target Properties dialog box

After you create a Web target, you can modify the target properties and add deployment configurations from the Target Properties dialog box. You access the Target Properties dialog box from the pop-up menu for a Web target in the System Tree.

The Target Properties dialog box for a Web site target has the following options for property selections:

Table 2-1: Target properties dialog box for a Web site target

On this page

Set these options


The path of the Web target’s Source folder and Build folder.


The local and remote deployment configurations for your target.

You can also set the deployment priority of the various deployment configurations, create new deployment configurations, make changes to existing configurations, and remove deployment configurations.


The start page for the target and the deployment configuration you want to use for running when you click the Run button from the PowerBar or select Run>Run Target from the PowerBuilder menu.