About the Web target object model

What is an object model?

Object models provide Web developers with a scripting environment by providing objects—and their properties, methods, and events—for easier Web development.

Object models can be server side or client side. In a client script, objects belong to the Document Object Model of the client browser. In a server script, objects belong to the object model existing on or deployed to the selected server.

You can view representations of client-side and server-side object models in the Language page of the System Tree.

About the Web Target object model

The Web Target object model streamlines the process of developing and deploying Web applications. During the development phase, the object model hides many of the platform-specific details you would otherwise need to know to write server pages. At deployment time, the object model takes care of mapping your platform-independent code to each application server platform you choose to target.

The structures and objects in the Web Target object model are defined in Java classes for JSP targets and in JavaScript for ASP targets.

When you deploy a Web page that uses the Web Target object model, the Web target automatically adds an object model file to your deployed application and imports the contents of that file into your page. The object model file resolves references you make to Web target objects to appropriate objects in the target application server. The deployment controller imports an object model file into any HTM, ASP, or JSP file containing one or more server scripts that use the Web Target object model.

For more information about the Web target object model, see “Using the Web Target object model”.