What kinds of applications can you develop?

The applications you build with PowerBuilder for JSP targets and ASP targets can include simple text-based Web pages as well as complex Web pages with:

Dynamic, data-driven applications

Dynamic business-critical Web applications typically use application servers to display data stored in a database and present interactive interfaces through which users execute business transactions in real time. The Web DataWindow, easily created within the Web Target development environment, gives your page real-time access to databases for retrieval and update.

Open applications

Web targets you build in PowerBuilder support an open architecture. The basic Web Target object model supports server-side programming for multiple application servers, enabling you to develop Web targets for deployment to multiple servers. To provide dynamic content for your Web applications, you can create server-side scripts in Java for JSP targets, or you can create scripts in JavaScript or any ECMA-compliant script (VBScript, JScript, and others).

4GL applications

4GL extensions to the Web Target object model provide server-side event processing and generate server-side code automatically from selections you make in the Web Target user interface. For Web site targets, 4GL applications must be used with EAServer. For JSP targets, 4GL applications can be deployed to EAServer, Tomcat, or other JSP 1.2 compatible JSP servers.