Editing a Web site deployment configuration

You can change properties of the deployment configuration for a Web site target from the Deployment Configuration Properties dialog box. Some properties in the dialog box are available for selection only after you make a selection for a different configuration property.

For example, if you select FTP on the Server Information pane for an Active Server Pages or Basic server type, an FTP Connection Information pane displays. If you select Static File System, a File System Information pane displays.

To configure deployment properties for a JSP target, see “Editing a JSP deployment configuration”.

Table 12-3: Deployment configuration options for a Web site target

On this pane

Specify this


A description for the deployment configuration. The configuration name is not editable.

Server Information

The type of server to which the Web site is deployed:

  • Active Server Pages (ASP)

  • Basic

For ASP or Basic servers, specify whether you want to deploy to a static file system or to an FTP site.

File System Information or FTP Connection Information (available for ASP or Basic server selection)

A folder for your Web site or The FTP server name and directory for your Web site. You can also select a login ID and password for the FTP server.

Object Model

Whether or not you use the Web Target object model.

HTTP Information

Server and port for your Web site. You should enter values here to be able to run Web site targets from the PowerBuilder Run menu.

Deploy What/Local Copy Folder

  • Whether to deploy all files, or only those that do not generate errors. If the latter, specify whether you want to make a local copy of all deployed files.

  • Specify the type of build you want for your target (Full or Incremental).

If you select Deploy All Or Nothing, or if you do not clear the Make Local Copy Of Deployed Files check box, you must select a copy folder for build files that are processed during deployment.

StepsTo edit a deployment configuration:

  1. From the Workspace tab of the System Tree, right-click the Web target, and select Properties from the pop-up menu.

  2. In the Properties of Target TargetName dialog box, click the Deploy tab.

  3. On the Deploy tab, select a configuration and click the Edit button.

    The Deployment Configuration Properties dialog box displays:

    Shown is a sample Deployment Configuration Properties dialog box with the entry General highlighted. At right is an area titled General and the text Name New Deployment Configuration. Text below the title states "A deployment controller is a program that performs the procedures required to deploy a Web application." Next is a text box labeled Deployment Configuration Name with the entry Deploy Configuration 1 and a text box for Description with the entry Deployment Configuration.
  4. Click the items in the tree view to view and change the properties.