Custom command line deployment

Custom deployment configuration properties

You can use the custom command line deployment configuration to set commands for Java command line build tools such as Apache Ant, or to deploy a target to JSP 1.2 servers other than EAServer and Tomcat, such as IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic. The configuration screen for custom command line deployment includes the following fields and check boxes:

Table 8-2: Custom command line deployment configuration properties


Field type

Use this field to


Text box

Set a description for your deployment configuration.



Add one or more command lines in a defined sequence of execution. You can move command lines up or down in the command sequence by using the arrow controls. You can enter macros.

Start-up directory


(Optional) Change the current directory to the location you want before executing the command you entered for the same row in the Command column. This is equivalent to a cd command to change directories.

Show messages in output window

Check box

Display messages from the command line tool in the PowerBuilder Output window (selected by default).

Automatically generate WAR file

Check box

Generate the target WAR file when you deploy the target (selected by default). You should clear this check box if you generate the WAR file from a command you enter in the Command column.

Abort execution on error

Check box

Halt the execution of command lines once an error is detected (selected by default).

Command time-out

Text box

(Optional) Enter a time-out value in seconds that applies to all the command lines you enter.

Command line macros for custom deployment

You can use macros on any of the command lines you enter in the list of commands for your custom deployment configuration. There are five macros available for use on the command lines you enter in the JSP Target wizard (or in the Deployment Configuration wizard):

Table 8-3: Command line macros

Macro text

Pasted text

Value added by macro

Configuration Directory


Location of the local copy directory that you specify in a subsequent page of the wizard.

Display Name


Display name from web.xml for the target. You also specify this in the wizard.

WAR Filename


File name, but not the full path. If you do not use a command line to build the WAR file, the value is specified in a subsequent page of the wizard.

Build Directory


Full path to the build directory for the target that you specified in the JSP Target wizard.

Source Directory


Full path to the source directory for the target that you specified in the JSP Target wizard.