JSP page authoring

JSP pages can be written in any well-formed language, including XML, but they are usually written in HTML. In PowerBuilder, you create JSP pages using any of the page wizards on the Web page of the New dialog box, and you edit them in much the same way as any other HTML page. When you create a new Web page, the wizard gives it the extension .jsp by default instead of .htm.

JSP authoring elements

Standard HTML elements, controls, and client-side scripts are available to JSP pages. In addition, JSP-specific elements are available in the development environment for editing JSP Web pages:

Page view icons

In the Page view, JSP standard actions and scripting elements are represented by icons showing the element’s delimiters. When you select a scripting element or a 4GL server-side event, Java is the only language available in the script editor.

Table 8-4: Icons displaying in Page view for JSP-specific elements




Server-side scriplet


Server-side expression


Server-side declaration


Standard action, such as <jsp:useBean ...>


Close tag of standard action, such as </jsp:useBean>


Self-closing standard action, such as <jsp:getProperty ... />


Custom tag, such as <j2ee:action ...>


Close tag of custom tag, such as </j2ee:action>


Self-closing custom tag, such as <j2ee:action ... />


Unknown custom tag


Include page directive, such as <%@ include ... %>