
Asks a DDE server application to accept data and store it in the specified location. There are two ways of calling SetRemote, depending on the type of DDE connection you have established.



Make a single DDE request of a server application (a cold link)

Syntax 1 For single DDE requests

Make a DDE request of a server application when you have established a warm link by opening a channel

Syntax 2 For DDE requests via an open channel

Syntax 1 For single DDE requests


Asks a DDE server application to accept data to be stored in the specified location without requiring an open channel. This syntax is appropriate when you will make only one or two requests of the server.


SetRemote ( location, value, applname, topicname )




A string whose value is the location of the data in the server application that will accept the data. The format of location depends on the application that will receive the request.


A string whose value you want to send to the remote application.


A string whose value is the DDE name of the server application.


A string identifying the data or the instance of the application that will accept the data (for example, in Microsoft Excel, the topic name could be the name of an open spreadsheet).


Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds and a negative integer if an error occurs. Values are:

If any argument’s value is null, SetRemote returns null.


When using DDE, your PowerBuilder application must have an open window, which will be the client window. For this syntax, the active window is the DDE client window.

For more information about DDE channels and warm and cold links, see the ExecRemote function.


Example 1

This statement asks Microsoft Excel to set the value of the data in row 5, column 7 of a worksheet called SALES.XLS to 4500:

SetRemote("R5C7", "4500", "Excel", "SALES.XLS")

See also

Syntax 2 For DDE requests via an open channel


Asks a DDE server application to accept data to be stored in the specified location when you have already established a warm link by opening a channel to the server. A warm link, with an open channel, is more efficient when you intend to make several DDE requests.


SetRemote ( location, value, handle {, windowhandle } )




A string whose value is the location of the data in the server application that will accept the data. The format of location depends on the application that will receive the request.


A string whose value you want to send to the remote application.


A long that identifies the channel to the DDE server application. Handle is the value returned by OpenChannel, which you call to open a DDE channel.

windowhandle (optional)

The handle to the window that is acting as the DDE client.


Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds and a negative integer if an error occurs. Values are:


When using DDE, your PowerBuilder application must have an open window, which will be the client window. For this syntax, you can specify a client window other than the active window with the windowhandle argument.

Before using this syntax of SetRemote, call OpenChannel to establish a DDE channel.

For more information about DDE channels and warm and cold links, see the ExecRemote function.


Example 2

This example opens a channel to a Microsoft Excel worksheet and asks it to set the value of the data in row 5 column 7 to 4500:

long handle

handle = OpenChannel("Excel", "REGION.XLS")

SetRemote("R5C7", "4500", handle)

See also