The EJBConnection class connects to an EJB server and locates an EJB.
EJBConnection has five member functions:
Connects a client application to an EJB server. The client application must call ConnectToServer before it can use a remote object on the server.
connection.ConnectToServer ( string properties[ ] )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the EJBConnection object you want to use to establish the connection |
properties[ ] |
A string array used to pass name/value pairs that specify how the connection will be established |
In this example, the client application connects to a WebLogic server application using the Connection object called conn:
ejbconnection conn helloejbhome hellohome helloejb hello string properties[ ] string msg
// Type each of the following statements on one line properties[1]="javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" properties[2]="javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL=t3://svr1:7001" properties[3]="javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL=myid" properties[4]="javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS=mypass"
conn = create ejbconnection TRY conn.connectToServer(properties) CATCH (remoteexception re) messagebox("remoteexception", re.GetMessage()) CATCH (createexception ce) messagebox("createexception", ce.GetMessage()) END TRY
You must provide ConnectToServer with a set of properties that specify how the connection will be established. Before calling ConnectToServer, declare a string array variable and assign values for the javax.naming.Context constants shown in the following table to the elements of the array.
javax.naming.context constant |
Value |
Server dependent. For example: |
URL for the Server's port. For example: |
User name required for access to the server. |
Credentials associated with the user name, typically a password. |
Creates an instance of a Java object from a proxy name.
Deprecated function This function is maintained for backward compatibility. You should use the CreateJavaInstance function on the JavaVM object for new development. You do not need to be connected to a server to create a local instance of a Java object.
connection.CreateJavaInstance (powerobject proxyobject, string proxyname )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the EJBConnection object used to establish the connection. |
proxyobject |
PowerObject into which the function places a reference to the object specified by proxyname. This argument is passed by reference. |
proxyname |
The name of the proxy object for the local Java class. |
Long. Returns 0 for success and one of the following values for failure:
Disconnects a client application from an EJB server application.
connection.DisconnectServer ( )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the EJBConnection object used to establish the connection you want to sever |
In this example, the client application disconnects from the server application using the EJBConnection object myconnect:
Returns a reference to the EJBTransaction object associated with the client.
connection.GetEJBTransaction ( )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the EJBConnection object used to establish the connection |
This example shows the use of GetEJBTransaction to return a reference to the EJBTransaction object so that you can control transactions from the client:
// Instance variables: // EJBConnection myconnect EJBTransaction mytrans
long ll_status mytrans = myconnect.GetEJBTransaction() ll_status = mytrans.GetStatus()
The PowerBuilder client can control the transaction demarcation of EJBs. After a transaction has been started with the EJBTransaction Begin method, GetEJBTransaction can be used to return the name of the transaction.
Allows a PowerBuilder client to obtain the home interface of an EJB component in an application server in order to create an instance of the component.
connection.Lookup (string proxyname, string JNDIname, string homeinterfacename )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the EJBConnection object used to establish the connection |
proxyname |
The name of the proxy object for the EJB component |
JNDIname |
The JNDI name of the EJB component |
homeinterfacename |
The fully-qualified class name of the EJB home interface |
Powerobject. A proxy object for the home interface of the EJB.
The following example uses lookup to locate the home interface of the Multiply session EJB in the Java package The example assumes the connection to the EJB server has already been established:
// Instance variable: // EJBConnection myconnect Multiply myMultiply MultiplyHome myMultiplyHome long ll_product TRY myMultiplyHome = myconnect.lookup("MultiplyHome", & "Math/Multiply", "”) myMultiply = myMultiplyHome.create() ll_product = myMultiply.multiply(1234, 4567) catch (remoteexception re) messagebox("remoteexception", re.GetMessage()) catch (createexception ce) messagebox("createexception", ce.GetMessage()) CATCH (exception e) MessageBox("Exception", e.getmessage()) END TRY
The style used for the JNDI name depends on the EJB server.