
Properties that control the behavior of ink in an InkPicture control.

Applies to

InkPicture controls


PowerBuilder dot notation:

Describe and Modify argument:

" { = value }"




The name of an InkPicture control.


A property for the InkPicture control. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below.


The value to be assigned to the property.

Property for InkPic



Specifies whether the auto erase feature available on some styluses is turned on. Values are:

  • true – AutoErase is turned on.

  • false – AutoErase is turned off (default).

Painter: AutoErase option.


Specifies the numeric value of the background color: -2 to 16,777,215. For more information about color, see the RGB function.

Painter: BackColor option.


Specifies whether ink only, gestures only, or ink and gestures are collected. Values are:

  • InkOnly (0) – Only ink is collected (default).

  • GestureOnly (1) – Only gestures are collected.

  • InkAndGesture (2) – Ink and gestures are collected.

Painter: CollectionMode option.


Specifies whether the ink is rendered (displayed in the control) as it is drawn. The default is true.

Painter: DynamicRendering option.


Specifies whether the editing mode of the control is set for drawing, deleting, or selecting ink. Values are:

  • InkMode (0) – Ink is drawn (default).

  • DeleteMode (1) – Ink is deleted.

  • SelectMode (2) – Ink is selected.

Painter: EditMode option.


Specifies whether ink is removed by stroke or point. Values are:

  • StrokeErase (0) – The entire ink stroke under the stylus is removed (default).

  • PointErase (1) – Only the ink under the stylus is removed.

Painter: EraserMode option.


Specifies the width of the eraser pen tip in HIMETRIC units (1 HIMETRIC unit = .01mm). The default is 212. This property applies when EditMode is set to DeleteMode and EraserMode is set to PointErase.

Painter: EraserWidth option.


Specifies whether ink is rendered in a single color when the system is in high contrast mode and draws the selection rectangle and handles in high contrast. Values are:

  • true – Ink is rendered in a single color in high contrast mode (default).

  • false – Ink is not rendered in a single color in high contrast mode.

Painter: HighContrastInk option.


Specifies whether the InkPicture control collects pen input. Values are:

  • true – The control collects pen input (default).

  • false – The control does not collect pen input and no pen-related events fire.

Painter: InkEnabled option.


Specifies the x-axis margin around the control in PowerBuilder units. The default value is 0.

Painter: MarginX option.


Specifies the y-axis margin around the control in PowerBuilder units. The default value is 0.

Painter: MarginY option.


Specifies how the picture is displayed in the control. Values are:

  • Center Image (1) – The picture is centered in the control.

  • Normal (2) – The picture is displayed in the upper-left corner of the control and any part of the picture that does not fit in the control is clipped (default).

  • Stretch (3) – The picture is stretched to fill the control.

Painter: PictureSizeMode option.


In the painter

Select the control and set values in the Properties view, InkPicture tab.


Example 1

dw_1.Object.inkpic1.InkPic.InkEnabled = true

li_color = dw_1.Describe("inkpic1.InkPic.BackColor")

See also